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GRANT Application & Review Process

Who May Apply

Grants may be submitted by district administrators, teachers, staff, community groups and/or individuals.  We encourage applicants to collaborate across schools, grades and departments.


Supervisor APPROVAl of Grant ApplicatioNS

All applications must have the support of a Millburn Public School principal or curricular supervisor.

  • Applicants should discuss proposals with their building and/or curricular supervisors BEFORE submitting an application. Approval is RECOMMENDED during PART 1 of the Application Process but is REQUIRED during PART 2.



our grant procesS – Applicant overview

Applicants will be involved in a 2-part application process.

  • Applicants will complete PART 1 (The Grant Pitch) by the specified deadline.

  • If an applicant is approved to move to PART 2 of the grant review process, they will be notified and asked to complete PART 2 of the application by the 2nd deadline. Applicants not approved or eligible to move on to Part 2 will also be notified.

    • In PART 2, accompanying documentation must be submitted including, but not limited to, the required budget spreadsheet, catalog/webpages of materials to be purchased and current educational research relating to the proposed project/equipment. Remember to include in your application’s budget calculation: the costs of storage, shipping, warranties, expendables, etc.

  • All PART 2 FINALISTS will be notified if their grant was approved for funding or not and next steps. 

  • Submitted applications will be reviewed by the MEF Grants Committee using a standardized GRANT ASSESSMENT RUBRIC. After reviewing the application, the Grant Committee may contact the applicant for additional information and/or support


GranT Award Process

  • Applicants will be notified via email of the funding decisions.

  • Grant recipients will receive detailed instructions for accessing the awards.

  • Once a grant is awarded, the total amount of the grant cannot be increased so be sure to include the costs of storage, shipping, warranties, etc. in the application.

  • All purchased materials, equipment and supplies will be the property of the Millburn Township Public Schools.

  • Grant Funds are available for eighteen months from the date of approval. Grant recipients must submit a written request to the MEF Grants Committee to extend the the eighteen-month period of fund availability BEFORE the expiration of that 18 months grant period.


Terms of Approval

By applying for a grant, a MEF Grant Recipient agrees:

  • To promote and publicize MEF whenever possible, i.e. at Back to School Night, Parent Teacher Conferences, Staff Development Days, PTO Meetings, including the tagline "This project/opportunity is made possible by a grant from the Millburn Education Foundation" whenever possible.

  • To share the benefits/efficacy of any Grant with relevant staff members in the district.

  • To comply with reasonable requests for information about program activities, including but not limited to inviting MEF to see the grant in action when possible.

  • To provide MEF an evaluation of the grant within 30 days after the completion of a funded program or no later than September 1st of the year following the award of the grant.


GranT Publicity

  • Grant recipients are expected to be available to MEF for the purposes of publicizing their projects to parents, teachers and the local community through school publications, local newspapers and other media outlets.

  • Grant recipients are asked to include the following statement when presenting the grant in any public forum; “This project/opportunity  is made possible (in whole or in part) by a grant from the Millburn Education Foundation.”


Duration of Funding

All grant funds are available for and must be expended on the approved project within 18 months of the award of the grant. If the project is canceled, delayed or materially changed, the funds will revert to the Millburn Education Foundation.


By funding a particular grant, MEF does not commit to repeat funding of that project again in response to similar future applications.


While we are always looking for new, creative projects, we will review applications for continued funding of previously awarded successful grants if the project has been reviewed, reconsidered and/or updated. Applications should clearly indicate that it is a request for continuation of funding from a previously awarded grant.


Grant Evaluation & Report

All grant recipients are required to submit a CLOSE-OUT GRANT  REPORT after a grant is awarded. The report must describe the grant project outcomes and show the expenditure of funds. The Report is due within 60 days after the completion of a funded program or no later than September 1st of the year following the award of the grant.


Note: The above funding guidelines, procedures and requirements represent the guiding principles of the Millburn Education Foundation. Under various circumstances, the Board of Trustees of MEF may choose to provide or not provide funding which differs from the terms of these guidelines. The Board of Trustees reserves the right to revise these guidelines, procedures and requirements at any time.

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